LOAR is an up-and-coming artist based in Tokyo, Japan.
Citing artists such as PartyNextDoor and Tank as his musical influences, LOAR’s sound delivers a unique twist on modern RnB by seamlessly intertwining soft, yet moving vocals with strong beats, complex intersecting rhythms and percussion that is usually associated with the Afrobeats genre.
Originally from Sendai, LOAR relocated to Tokyo after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011. Losing everything to this disaster, LOAR stepped back to re-evaluate his life and contemplate how to move forward. His passion for music and earnest desire to become a singer brought him to Tokyo where he soon after crossed paths with Producer, Fofu. The pair began creating together and released their first single in March 2020. In June the same year, LOAR released his single ‘Get It Back’ and in January of 2021 he received notable recognition following the release of ‘Why Did You Go Away’.
R&B アーティスト。 宮城県仙台市出身。
PARTYNEXTDOORやTANKなどのアーティストの音楽に影響を受け、ソフトで動きのあるボーカルと、アフロビートや複雑な交差するグルーブをシームレスに絡み合わせ、日本国内でこれまでに無い、"Trapsoul" というDrakeや海外のアーティスト等の主流となる現代のR&Bを取り入れ、独特のひねりを加え、プロデューサーFOFUと共に世界へ向けたこだわった現行のR&Bを届ける。
これまでの一年の活動を経て、アーティスト SARA-J、RIOSKE(COLOR CREATION)、プロデューサー qunimuneなどとコラボレーションし、徐々に注目を集めてきた。
2020年3月に最初のシングルをリリースしました。同じ年の6月にLOARはシングル「Get It Back」をリリースし、2021年1月に「Why Did You Go Away」のリリースに続いて注目を集めました。

(Ryo Futojima Remix)
Ryo Futojima, LOAR & fofu

LOAR & fofu

LOAR & fofu

Wake Me Tonight
LOAR & fofu